Optimising pig diets for decarbonisation
5 April 2024
Project Lead: Kimberly Townsend, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Project Partners: Australian Pork Limited
Diets can account for up to 30% of a pig farm’s emissions and there is an opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint by sourcing alternative protein for commercial pig diets from local sources.
Recent work by the University of Queensland explored alternative, protein-rich ingredients for Australian pigs. This project intends to use the findings from that work and formulate a ‘standard’ diet and ‘low-emissions diet’ using alternative and/or locally sourced protein ingredients for pigs. This proof-of-concept project will quantify the impact on emissions of substituting imported feed ingredients for locally produced ones and provide pig producers with an indication of how financially feasible this may be as an emissions reduction strategy for their businesses.
Project Timeline: August 2024 – November 2024