PFHN Recent Funding Recipients Roundup
23 January 2025
The PFHN community has had great success with funding recently, with projects funded across all our university partners!
ARC Discovery Project Funding Recipients
Discovery funding recognises the importance of fundamental, ‘blue sky’ research to Australia. It supports the national innovation system to build ‘new’ knowledge and a knowledge-based economy though developing new knowledge, creating jobs, economic growth, and enhanced quality of life in Australia.
The Discovery Program delivers benefit to Australia by building Australia’s research capacity by supporting excellent, internationally competitive research by individuals and teams; research training and career opportunities for the best Australian and international researchers; international collaboration; and research in priority areas.
Congratulations to our PFHN Expert Panel members who received the following funding:
Prof Assaad Masri; Assoc. Prof Agisilaos Kourmatzis (USYD): Optimising future e-fuel blends for spray atomisation and combustion ($618, 677)
Prof Zhenguo Huang, Prof Haibo Yu, Dr Limei Yang (UTS): Hydrogen storage and delivery by novel hydrogen-rich molecules ($540, 000)
Prof Zhenguo Hunag, Assoc. Prof Qiang Fu, Dr Limei Yang (UTS): Molecular engineering of boron nanomaterials for future technologies ($526, 766)
Prof Yijao Jiang, Dr Doudou Zhang, Dr Heping Shen (MQU): Stand-alone zero-gap photoelectrochemical electrolyser for ammonia synthesis ($580, 387)
Congratulations also to one of our Round 1 Seed Grant recipients:
Prof Dr Jun Huang, Dr Lizhuo Wang (USYD): Solar Catalytic glycerol upcycling with co-manufacturing green hydrogen ($637, 673)
Further ARC Awardees:
Plasma-driven electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction. Dr Tianqi Zhang (USYD) received an ARC DECRA
Quantum-confined Semiconducting Polymeric Carbons for CO2 Photoconversion. Dr Changmin Kim (UNSW) received an ARC DECRA
Circular Economy Driven Sustainable Green Hydrogen Energy: Prof Bing-Jie Ni led a consortium that have been awarded an ARC Linkage Project across UNSW and UTS with industry partners
Global Science & Technology Diplomacy Fund – strategic element Round 1 Recipient
Prof Rose Amal AC FAA FTSE (UNSW) received $749, 600 in funding for her proposal titled Advancing Sunlight-to-Hydrogen Conversion for a Sustainable Future, in partnership with Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.