Invasive native vegetation to biofuel – decarbonisation with co-benefits
5 April 2024
Project Lead: Brian Wilson, University of New England
Project Partners: AusBioEnergy, DCCEEW, Armidale Regional Council, Northern Tablelands and NorthWest Local Land Services
Our collaborative industry-government-research team seeks to quantify and trial utilising existing invasive native vegetation species biomass to produce biomethanol for the shipping industry. A sustainable transport fuel, whilst restoring ecological, economic, cultural, biodiversity and production values of managed land. The project will assess quantity/status of biomass resource in invasive vegetation systems of NW NSW; Ensure legislative compliance; Generate real-time data-layer of the current resource; Revisit existing trial site network to quantify short-, medium- and long-term carbon capture potential; explore and develop practical post-harvest management options to achieve multiple outcomes including biomass recovery, ecological/biodiversity outcomes, cultural and production values; Demonstrate technological readiness and future needs. The project bridges the intersection between growing a sustainable, renewable bio-energy industry, nature-based solutions, sustainable native landscapes, and agricultural production with a range of co-benefits, simultaneously solving several wicked problems, and will command significant social license across the local, regional, state and national community.
Project Timeline: May 2024 – April 2025